Women’s March Action Responds to Supreme Court’s Rollback of Roe v. Wade
Women’s March Action Responds to Supreme Court’s Rollback of Roe v. Wade
LOS ANGELES, CA – JUNE 24, 2022 – Today, the United States Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision, overturned Roe v. Wade, ruling that a women’s right to an abortion is unconstitutional.
The following statement can be attributed to said Emiliana Guereca, Executive Director, Women’s March Action:
“The right wing has taken over the Supreme Court and women’s rights are being decimated. Today’s decision led by an extreme right majority on the nation’s highest Court will set women, and us all, back decades.
Women and our allies – who make up the majority of the country -- will not stand idly by and watch our rights stripped from us without recourse. We will fight back. We will take to the streets in red to show the blood they have on their hands.
The work is already underway and will continue to put a stop to the draconian rollback of our rights and freedoms.
Come November, we will elect pro-reproductive rights candidates across the country and bring us back to 21st Century America, when a woman has the freedom to make decisions over her own body and life.
This decision puts the next generation and those to come at grave risk. We have failed our daughters and granddaughters. We will continue to take to the streets and to the polls to fight for our bodily autonomy.
Today’s decision is perhaps the starkest reminder that the small, extreme few can control the many. We must defend our Democracy and not allow them to take anything more away from us.”
To learn more about the Women’s March Action, please visit: womensmarchaction.com.
Women’s March Action is a 501c4 organization that is committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect. Women’s March Action provides intersectional education, training, outreach programs and entry points for grassroots activists & organizers to engage in local communities within the political sphere. Women’s March Action is not affiliated with Women’s March Inc.